a - z指数



一天 一年 事件
2月. 1 1924 奥利弗·德鲁斯去哥伦比亚大学读研究生时,唐娜·西森·埃克负责艺术系.
2月. 1 1934 An exhibit of 28 paintings by Olive DeLuce opened at the Woman's City Club in Kansas City.
2月. 1 2011 A blizzard struck the Midwest and 关闭d the campus for three days; it reopened 2月. 3.
2月. 1 2013 政府. 杰伊·尼克松参观了校园,讨论了该州基于绩效的资助模式,并赞扬网上赌博网站十大排行在该模式下实现了所有五个基准.
2月. 2 1874 Resolutions were passed in 3月yville asking for Normal School to be located in Nodaway County.
2月. 2 1910 The first issue of Normal Index, a school newspaper, was published.
2月. 2 1970 唐纳德·N. Valk Industrial Arts Education and Technology Building, known more simply today as Valk Center, 它的成立和命名是为了纪念一位从事了38年教学工作的工业艺术教师他将在春季学期结束后退休.
2月. 2 1998 黑人大学联盟赞助了一个名人堂展览,展示了著名的非裔美国人和他们对美国文化的贡献.
2月. 3 1922 The site for the women's residence hall, 也就是今天的罗伯塔·霍尔, 被选中,计划被批准了吗.
2月. 5 1987 杰夫Fairman, 网上赌博网站十大排行的大四学生, won fourth place in a national contest for future chemists and biologists.
2月. 6 1969 在行政大楼大礼堂举行的“教师嬉闹”活动中,教职员工向热情的人群展示了他们的表演和舞蹈能力,” an effort to raise funds to assist students interested in international living.
2月. 7 2004 The 校董会 approved the notebook computer program, giving each student living on campus a new notebook computer beginning in fall 2005. Tuition for the 2004-2005 academic year was $165.50 per credit hour for in-state students
2月. 7 2019 Northwest canceled classes for the fifth time since 1月. 22 during a winter that produced major snowfalls and bitter temperatures.
2月. 8 2013 网上赌博网站十大排行的学生阿卡什·帕特尔与该大学的创新与创业中心签订了一份租赁协议,以建立他的初创公司BlurPort LLC, a producer of secure USB data storage devices.
2月. 8 2020 Northwest bestowed the honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree on Dr. 帕特里克冷雾, 他是熊猫田径队的长期志愿医生,也是2013年至2019年校董会的成员, including as Board Chair from 2015-2019.
2月. 8 2022 Northwest hosted retired NASA astronaut Capt. 斯科特·凯利在罗恩·休斯顿表演艺术中心的杰出系列讲座.
2月. 10 1988 著名的圣地亚哥鸡队在熊猫队与中密苏里州立大学的篮球比赛中为球迷们带来了欢乐.
2月. 10 2008 Dr. 吉姆Redd计划, 1966年的校友, former coach and athletics director at Northwest, was inducted into the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame.
2月. 11 1952 Miss Mattie Dykes was asked by President J.W. Jones to write a history of the College for its golden anniversary.
2月. 11 2004 Students are able to transfer money from their U.S. Bank accounts to the "Bobby Bucks" stripe on their ID cards.
2月. 12 1924 President Uel Lamkin was brought in by Police Chief Johnny Ashcroft and convicted of vagrancy.
2月. 13 1940 A more ferocious-looking 熊猫 was adopted by Student Senate.
2月. 13 1959 Former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt visited the Northwest campus and spoke to an overflow crowd of 1,250 students and employees in the Administration Building auditorium.
2月. 13 1978 A reported 12 inches of snow paralyzed the area, and Northwest canceled classes for the first time since 1912.
2月. 13 2004 西北校董会和密苏里大学校董会签署了一份谅解备忘录,概述了两所大学可能合并的条款.
2月. 14 1946 The Veterans Club published a faculty-student directory.
2月. 14 1980 由于条件恶化,政府宣布决定撤离Roberta Hall,但两天后由于居民的反对而改变了计划.
2月. 14 2011 As part of Delta Dental of Missouri's Land of Smiles program, “牙齿巫师”和“牙斑人”拜访了霍勒斯·曼实验学校从幼儿园到三年级的学生.
2月. 15 1915 海蒂·安东尼小姐在一次学校集会上宣称“效率是自我管理的科学”."
2月. 15 2018 A capacity crowd filled the Ron Houston Center for the Performing Arts as Dr. 葛兰汀, a globally recognized authority for improving the welfare and handling of farm animals, 交付了西北航空公司的年度James H. 柠檬的讲座.
2月. 16 2010 Thirty-five students joined first-year 总统博士. 约翰·亚辛斯基前往杰斐逊城的州议会大厦,与立法者交谈,为西北争取支持. Jasinski testified to the Missouri House Appropriations Committee, “毫无疑问, we will continue to mine every dollar that is not productive and question every process, program and person that is not serving our purpose. 但网上赌博网站十大排行希望你们知道,网上赌博网站十大排行的使命是传承网上赌博网站十大排行的创新传统,以应对网上赌博网站十大排行面前不确定的经济时代."
2月. 16 2012 In response to "the continuing shifts across higher education," 总统博士. 约翰·亚辛斯基和教务长. Doug Dunham announced a realignment of Northwest's academic programs, 其中包括将学术部门从19个整合到11个,并取消家庭和消费者科学系, 7月1日生效.
2月. 16 2016 迈克·阿尔布克尔, 1972年毕业于网上赌博网站十大排行,是卫冕世界冠军堪萨斯城皇家队总经理、球探和球员发展的高级顾问, 在西北公司主办的年度美国未来商业领袖区会议上发表了主题演讲.
2月. 17 1923 校董会提供了一个10美元的奖金,奖励给一个为学校新开放的宿舍提出最佳名字的学生, 但该奖项从未颁发,该建筑一直被称为宿舍,直到为了纪念罗伯塔·斯蒂尔而重新命名.
2月. 17 1997 校董会批准了“EC97”,计划升级“电子校园”,并在明年秋天在每个宿舍房间安装新的台式电脑.
2月. 17 2010 总统博士. 约翰·亚辛斯基(John Jasinski)和其他校园领导会见了从巴拿马访问网上赌博网站十大排行的教师和院长,以便更好地了解如何更好地支持学校里的贫困儿童.
2月. 18
2月. 19 1926 A costumer party took place in Residence Hall, which is 也就是今天的罗伯塔·霍尔. Dorothy England and 3月vin Westfall won prizes for the best costumes.
2月. 19 2004 Franken Hall sponsored "Boardgame Bonanza" in the J.W. 琼斯学生会. Games included Pictionary, Monopoly and Yatzee as well as newer games like Battle of the Sexes.
2月. 20 1955 美国前总统哈里?. Truman visited the campus and dedicated the 3月tin-Pederson Armory, which is now the Jon T. Rickman Electronic Campus Support Center.
2月. 21 1911 The Normal School women's basketball team played Stanberry High School, winning 23-11.
2月. 22 1920 The Annual Colonial Costume Party was given by seniors for juniors and faculty.
2月. 22 1921 一面巨大的美国国旗首次飘扬在行政大楼草坪上的一根杆子上,以纪念在第一次世界大战中服役的教职员工和学生.
2月. 22 1997 The 熊猫 women's indoor track and field team won its first MIAA championship.
2月. 22 2014 网上赌博网站十大排行的三重奏计划授予约翰·亚辛斯基校长和第一夫人丹尼斯·亚辛斯基久负盛名的三重奏冠军奖.
2月. 23 2009 历史上第一次, the Missouri Court of Appeals for the Western District convened at Northwest in the J.W. 琼斯学生会舞厅. 法院, which normally convenes in Kansas City, had last convened in Nodaway County at the courthouse in 1993
2月. 24 1920 The sophomores stole the freshman pennant.
2月. 24 2015 这是密苏里州回收计划四年来第三次表彰西北航空公司的回收和可持续发展计划,并向其颁发了2014年度回收奖.
2月. 25 1984 Dr. B.D. 欧文斯, who had served as Northwest's president since 1977, submitted his letter of resignation to the 校董会.
2月. 25 1993 网上赌博网站十大排行在破土动工仪式上庆祝了拉姆金体育馆翻新和扩建项目的启动.
2月. 25 2010 作为音乐和戏剧系两年一次的音乐剧作品,《网上赌博网站十大排行》在罗恩·休斯顿表演艺术中心(Ron Houston Center for The Performing Arts)开始了为期三晚的演出.
2月. 25 2011 Four students participated in the annual Colden Pond Plunge and raised a record $3,860 for St. 裘德儿童研究医院. 大二学生Kyla Kirksey在水里待的时间最长,赢得了两张即将到来的Goo Goo Dolls演唱会的门票.
2月. 26 1998 学生们聚在一起,分享对校园学习环境的意见和担忧,以起草一份学生契约,并将其纳入学生手册.
2月. 27 1912 The first "athletic feed" was served at noon by Harry Mutz while Mr. V.I. Moore, a coach, awarded "N"s to players.
2月. 27 2004 The Safe Ride Home program began, offering free after-hours transportation for Northwest students.
2月. 27 2022 西北社区的成员和朋友们聚集在罗恩·休斯顿表演艺术中心的大厅里,结束了“无出口”的表演,以纪念戏剧教授. Theo Ross, who retired that spring after 44 years as a faculty member at the University.
2月. 28 1917 Architects were at work on plans for a women's dormitory.
2月. 28 2013 总统博士. John Jasinski appeared as the "Delivery Man" in Northwest's production of “Barefoot in the Park.”
2月. 28 2020 网上赌博网站十大排行提醒学生和员工采取预防措施,以预防日益严重的COVID-19病毒,并宣布启动一个网站,提供与该机构应对措施相关的资源和问题的答案.